Information for Comenius University Teachers and Students

Center for Information Technologies (CIT) manages elearning at the Comenius University.

At CIT we work to broaden the scale of services provided for elearning. At the moment we offer:

For Comenius University Teachers

1. Opening of New Courses

Before you request a course, you need to log into Moodle at least once. Moodle database registers account only at the moment when the user logs in for the first time.

  1. 1. Log into Moodle (in the top right corner, select the top button for University employees), use your University login and passport
  2. 2. Log out again (you are in a Moodle database now, the administrator will be able to find you and grant you access to your course)
  3. 3. Send email to the address, ask to have a course open, include your name and surname, faculty and department where the course belongs, title of the course and the name of the teacher (if it is not you).
  4. 4. Remember that for your co-teachers to be able to get access to the course, they also need to be in the Moodle database, i.e. to log into Moodle at least once!

Every teacher at the Comenius University can request to have a course opened in Moodle to work and communicate with students. Besides requesting to have opened courses that you teach, you can also request a private practice course that is not tied to any subject, but just a space to learn to work with Moodle. To request opening of a practice space, also contact CIT at the address

2. Tutorials and Moodle Training

Tutorial for Moodle for Teachers only has a Slovak version. For information on work with Moodle in English, use the generic tutorial at CIT offers a range of trainings and consultations on elearning and Moodle use, some of them available in English. For options of training in English inquire at

3. Individual Consultations

If you are not able to attend a group training session, you can ask to arrange an individual consultation. Also, if you are already working with Moodle and you have a specific problem, contact as at too.

Comenius University Students

For students who don‘t have much experience in Moodle and wish to get basic overview, there is an English version of a short tutorial Moodle Introductory Tutorial for Students.

It is a short read (approximately 30 minutes) that you can read whole, or only selected parts in order to get basic information on how to move and study in Comenius University Moodle.